What has 6th grade has done to me

I know, I know the title seems kinda harsh but just hear me out (also these are good things not bad things). First, I MADE SO MANY FRIENDS, like Jude. I always thought Jude was just another one of those kids in athletics that I would sometimes do the workouts with, but after some time we became pretty good friends. Another thing 6th grade has done to me is make me sad that summer is coming, like think about all the fun times you have with your friends out in the field or during lunch. I’m really sad that I have to spend like 3 months without seeing my friends everyday, like even if one of my friends are sick one day the day feels completely empty and boring : (. Another thing that 6th grade has done to me is get me to go outside more often, like during athletics. When I was young I never thought that I would ever be able to workout every week consistently but MS athletics and the coaches got me to push through it, and I am so happy for that because I feel a lot more like alive now then when I would just sit down all day doing nothing. 6th grade is definitely one of my favorite school years because we have a lot more freedom than in our elementary years where we had to go in our lines and had a teacher with us at all times. Also on top of that we can talk to our friends more like during lunch and advisory, while were only allowed to talk to our friends during recess in elementary school. To wrap this all up, I’m so excited for 7th grade and all the fun I’m gonna have over the summer.

4 thoughts on “What has 6th grade has done to me

  1. I get it Auyog I’m sad that summer is coming too, but on the bright side you can still bump into you’re friends at the store and call them.

  2. I agree that its gonna be sad to leave school and not see your friends for a bit but you can still call or hangout with them.

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